Senior care &
daily routine support

Living is easier with support!


Sie möchten nicht länger einsam sein,
dann lad‘ ich Sie hiermit herzlich ein,
meinen Diensten zu vertrauen
und mit mir nach vorn zu schauen.
Nie verblasst ein Hoffnungsschimmer,
wie und wo und wann auch immer.
Was ich für Sie möglich machen kann,
das sehen Sie meinen Diensten an.


Bureaucratic matters

  • business correspondence and support in official correspondence
  • assistance with applications, enter objections and notices (e. g. mobile phone contract, care degree, degree of disability, facilities, benefits)

Daily routine support

  • accompanying on errands to the doctor, administrative bodies etc.
  • shopping
  • instructions for use of or setting up computer, smartphone, phone etc.
  • structuring/organisation of the daily life
  • if required, placements of other services like housekeeper, caregivers, doctors, tradespeople etc.

Leisure activities

  • to act on music passions including also my self-made music box
  • linguistic assistance in German and other languages
  • trips and events
  • walks, games

One-to-one and group participation

I want to provide people interested into music activities with my self-designed activation box where they can play out their music passion in one-to-one or group sessions.

Contents of the music activation box:

  • different instruments and game utensils
  • different activities like organology, quiz, sound riddle, pairs, puzzle, ludo (with notes), ABC-flashcards, chair dance, handpan meditation and percussion live session
en_GBEnglish (UK)